GreenWoods Associates
Stamford South End Study &
Master Plan Amendments
As the Deputy Director of Planning for the City of Stamford, in the spring of 2020, David W. Woods, FAICP brought to the Planning Board a comprehensive set of Master Plan Category amendments to the South End, which implemented the adopted recommendations of the Collective for Community, Culture and Environment (CCCE) in the Fall of 2018.
During the Planning Board’s deliberations on the 2015 Master Plan, the Board determined that in order to more clearly determine the uses and framework for the area adjacent to the Stamford Transportation Center (STC) eastward to John Street; the Planning Board needed two conditions to be met:
A South End Neighborhood Study to better understand what types of development could and, more importantly, should be envisioned in the South End, especially within proximity of the STC; and
2. The Planning Board accepted the South End Neighborhood Study results in the fall of 2018, which included the agreed-to Vision and Priorities, as well as two development scenarios within a half mile of the STC bounded by Atlantic Street to the west, John Street to the east, Metro North Tracks to the north and Henry/Market Street to the south:
The high growth scenario identified the potential of over 5000 units within this area, and
The moderate growth scenario identified the potential of over 3000 units within this area.
In addition, Dr. Woods created a new Master Plan Category for the highest density development area around the STC:
Master Plan Category 16 – Transit-Oriented Development District:
This category is intended to support the development of high-density residential and office development within walking distance of the Stamford Transportation Center and to create a bridge between and support Downtown with its retail, entertainment, residential and other uses, and the predominantly residential South End. Densities could equal those of Downtown, but uses shall be limited to primarily office and residential uses with limited retail supporting these uses and commuters using the Stamford Transportation Center. The District shall be walkable but also accessible to the commuting public and maximize the potential of the Stamford Transportation Center. As the Gateway to Stamford, special attention must be given to: (1) excellence in architecture and urban design, (2) public amenities, (3) pedestrian enhancements, (4) adequate parking for all uses including commuter parking, (5) mixed-use development, and (6) the creation of transit supporting amenities.
Ralph Blessing, Chief, Land Use Bureau
E-Mail: rblessing@stamfordct.gov
Cell: 203.977.4714